Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Our latest blog post on the Alhambra in Granada, Spain: "People often ask, "when did you realize that you wanted to be a designer?" My answer is always, there wasn't one defining moment rather a cluster of many moments that were the impetus for my career. One of those moments happened while traveling around the South of Spain.. I walked up to the Alhambra with my youthful, nineteen year old spirit. I knew in that moment that I would never be the same person I was a minute ago.. I was utterly inspired by all that I was taking in.. Even today I look around my house and see influences that were born from this experience at the Alhambra. Highly recommended!" - Layla Pakzad, owner/designer Salt Swimwear

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Ashes and Snow

“In exploring the shared language and poetic sensibilities of all animals, I am working towards rediscovering the common ground that once existed when people lived in harmony with animals. The images depict a world that is without beginning or end, here or there, past or present.” —Gregory Colbert, Creator of Ashes and Snow It is rare that you come across such a masterful exhibit. We here at Salt Swimwear had the opportunity to view the nomadic museum on it's Santa Monica stop. The exterior was as awe inspiring as the exhibition. Train cars stacked on top of each other created the sustainable structure. Inside, the most emotional images of co-existence. Each image envelops the viewer and allows you a peek into a peaceful world where we are one with our animal spirits..